Women – How Do You Wear Tartan With Style?
It's the fashion that keeps on returning – after becoming a hugely popular item in the 90’s, the tartan kilt has made a resurgence for the 2013 and 2014 autumn/winter seasons. But no longer is this item confined to gruff highlanders and teenage punk culture; the women's kilt is now in style. And whilst tartan is very much in this year, you don’t have to limit yourself to it; utility kilts in all styles and colours can be matched with anything.
How Do You Wear a Tartan Kilt?
The short answer to this is: any way you want. Tartan kilts are so highly prized this season exactly because of their versatility, and you can pair yours with any other number of items to achieve the look you want. It is important to match colours though – you’ll find that adding a tartan kilt with bright colours on it to an already bright jumper won’t look so great. On the other hand, matching a kilt with a bright sett to a dark jumper can elicit a classy look that will be appropriate everywhere from the office to a night out. So you've got the tartan kilt and the top, but what about outerwear? Lots of women find that a leather jacket works well with all things plaid, and a kilt is no exception. You’ll want to stick mostly to black leather though, as any other colour can overwhelm the mix of colours already present in the tartan. It’s also important to contrast your top and the jacket – here is the exception where a bright tartan kilt and a light top can work when paired off with a dark jacket. But what about the shoes? The bane of any fashion-conscious woman's life, choosing shoes to go with your tartan kilt can be a bit of a bother. We'd generally recommend boots ranging from ankle high to knee high for anything shorter than a knee-length kilt, as heels or flats here may make your legs look shorter. For tartan kilts longer than knee length, heels can be a great addition for a smarter environment and can exude a professional look that you wouldn’t get otherwise.
The Scotland Kilt Company – Premium Suppliers of All Things Tartan
If you're looking for a new look this season, The Scotland Kilt Company have everything you need to complete your outfit. Whether you're looking for a traditional tartan kilt or something a bit more contemporary, you'll find a whole range on our website. For more information, email us at sales@thescotlandkiltcompany.co.uk or call 0131 553 3472.