What a Thriller
An unreleased album by pop icon Michael Jackson may become an unlikely addition to the Robert Burns museum situated in the poets beloved Ayrshire. The donation of the tracks which are based on the works of Rabbie Burns are being offered by David Guest who recorded the songs with Michael Jackson over ten years ago. Guest spoke of Jackson’s fondness for Burn’s poetry "We took about eight or 10 of Burns's poems and put them to contemporary music, such as A Red Red Rose, Ae Fond Kiss and the story of Tam O'Shanter." It was following a visit to the Burns museum that Guest decided to make the wonderful musical gift much to the delight of the museum’s director Nat Edwards who is hoping to offer visitors a CD for visitors and raise funds for the museum. ‘(It would) be a way of getting audiences interested in Burns and illustrating his international, enduring artistic legacy’ said Edwards. Burns legacy needs no introduction with Burns Suppers being held worldwide, devotees of the Bard might also be interested to know that there are two Burns tartans available; the Burns Commerative tartan and the Burns check tartan which can be ordered for made to measure kilts and ladies sashes and skirts. Take a look at the full made to measure range here. All made to measure items are reduced by 15% until the end of January!