Tartan is key to Japanese design

Tartan has links historic and current around the world. The presence of Highland regiments who assisted British colonisation resulted in tartan featuring far and wide; including areas as far flung as the Caribbean, India and South America. Similarities between tartans and madras cloths from Southern India show the influence tartans had on local textile production. The presence of Highland regiments in France strengthened French interest in Tartan. Many Japanese designers also have a fondness for tartan which has long -standing popularity in the country- as far back as 1871 the Emperor of Japan introduced tartan skirts as part of girl’s school uniform. Similarities between Japanese clothing and highland dress are noticeable the fhelidh -mor and the arisaid is rely on wrapping, tying, pleating and draping rather than on traditional western tailoring techniques. Tartan has a complex and rich history both in Scotland and around the world. Its dominance owes much to the versatility of the fabric. When used in clothing it can be historically specific or vague, nationally defined or global, hand - crafted or mass produced, conservative or revolutionary, bright or muted, and can be worn by the wealthy and the poo, by civilians and the military. You would be hard pressed to find a fabric with so many different connotations.